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Welcome to MBarron.net.
I have completed the move to
the new server, and loading time has never been better.
Checkout the server's resources statistics here, updated every fifteen minutes.
Do you want to have your own site on the Internet, head
on over to my web hosting site.
Let me know if you need hosting for a big site, I offer
$0.20USD/GB for people needing over 30GB/month. |
New Electronics projects
coming soon.
Now that I have gained access
to a digital camera, and the fact that exams will be
over soon. It will leave me with lots of spare time
to get all the projects lying around my room typed up
and uploaded onto the website.
New content will include exciting things such as:
- PICmicro .asm library of useful functions
- 7 segment countdown/countup simple code.
- 74HC595 shift register IO expandsion.
- ADC & DAC chip interface code, eg. for the ADC0831,
- BURP PULSE NiCd, & NiMh battery charger. Spose
to extend working life
- Glowplug power supply, using old cheap Sealed lead
acid batteries
- General purpose regulated power supply module, Any
Vin, Reg. Vout